Angel Policy

Pretty in Paper by B is happy to be a supportive "Angel" Company. This entitles the owners of Pretty in Paper by B products to use our designs to make projects for personal use or sell as handmade one-of-a-kind creations.

Pretty in Paper by B iris folding kits and pattern templates, and the products created with them, are subject to copyright laws. When you purchase one of our products, we are granting you a broad licence to use them to create your own handmade, finished designs that can then be sold with a few limitations. You may sell your finished, handmade crafts, provided you do not violate any of the terms of this Angel Policy. The licence to use our copyrighted designs is limited by the following:

  • Each item must be hand-made. Mechanical, electronic, digital, or any form of reproduction or high volume manufacturing other than hand-made is not allowed. (This includes, but not limited to, digitizing, photocopying, scanning, printing, and downloading from our site).
  • Items are not sold for large-scale commercial gain. You may sell for profit a maximum of 50 finished products (i.e. cards, wall art projects, etc.) per design, per year. There is no limit to handmade items sold for charity, so long as they abide by the other restrictions in this policy.
  • It must be clearly stated that any crafts for sale are in fact hand-made and created by the seller and not by Pretty in Paper by B. Each project should include: “Handmade by [your name] using pattern templates designed by ©PrettyinPaperbyB
  • Do not use Pretty in Paper by B designs to create logos, trademarks, or other brand identity.
  • Mass production of crafting components using Pretty in Paper by B designs is explicitly not allowed and considered a violation of our Copyright. Mass production includes, but is not limited to, the manufacturing and/or selling of bulk cards or cut shapes.
  • Items are sold or gifted as completely finished, immediately usable or giftable projects (i.e. the purchaser or recipient would immediately be able to sign the card or use it as a gift for someone else – no other assembly would be required).
  • Items are not sold or gifted in “kit” format that end users would then assemble themselves.
  • Scanning our designs for use in electronic cutting machines is not permitted. SVGs are included with PDFs for this purpose.
  • You assume all liability for your handmade creations.
  • A photo of your finished project made with one of our pattern templates may be used on any promotional media, however the unmade pattern templates may not be included in any photos, nor sold in any way.
  • Your handmade items may be sold online.

If you are still unsure, please email and we will clarify any of the areas in question. (

Pretty In Paper By B may modify this policy as required.